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HATTRICK Ent Ltd. owns BULLDOZER trade mark and is an official importer to Bulgaria of  RIDER, AZALEIA, GRENDHA, IPANEMA products. bulldozer.png

V-Tac Ltd – LED Lighting V-Tac

Regency ltd. – investments in real estates

Bright House Apart'hotel Bright House
BULLDOZER Business Centre

BULLDOZER business centre is to be one of the newly constructed buildings, forming new business complex in the trade region in Brezovsko Shose street in the town of Plovdiv. The location gives the building quick access from the centre of the town as well as from different regions of the coun [ ... ]

Foli Trade Center

FOLI Center is a modern trade and administrative complex. Its address is 12, Patriarch Evtimii Street (map), and is across Bulgaria Hotel. The complex is recognized by its highly technological design and functionality. The building is developed on five over-ground and one under-ground levels.  [ ... ]