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Жилищна сграда на ул. "Н. Цанов" 3

Парцел между хотелите "Бор" и "Зора" в Пампорово.
Площ 4500 кв.м.
кинт 1.2
плътност 30%
кота корниз 10.5м
РЗП - около 6700 кв.м.
Цена 150 EUR/кв.м.
Cherni Vrah

The "Black Peak" complex, is located at the entrance of living estate Dragalevtzi, in the city of Sofia, distanced 500m. From the Ring Road and 300 meters from shop "Fantastico". Situated on a corner plot with its 70 m. Length, facing "Black Peak" blvd., having a local road between the buil [ ... ]

BULLDOZER Business Centre

BULLDOZER business centre is to be one of the newly constructed buildings, forming new business complex in the trade region in Brezovsko Shose street in the town of Plovdiv. The location gives the building quick access from the centre of the town as well as from different regions of the coun [ ... ]